Saturday, March 20, 2010

Grow vs. Age

Want to know something true?...You start to "realize" yourself a lot more harshly once you've graduated high school. Before then, you're just so captivated by adulthood while relishing in youth that you don't readily connect yourself to aging. I mean, you're definitely well-aware of the fact that you're "growing" as it seems every birthday is a national holiday for you at that age, but aging is something that before you graduate high school (in my opinion) you really don't have a concept of. By "aging" I mean maturing, taking on responsibilities, gaining friends and associates, losing them, going through romantic relationships, dealing with money and all those other things that make adulthood so's all so distant before high school graduation. Two of my closest friends (Laura and Mateo respectively) are now expecting children. CHILDREN. NiƱos. Bacche. To me, that's just insane. Not the fact that they're both kind of young, but the fact that they're actually about starting families. And more than that, a new generation...from our generation. I don't know why that touches me so deeply; especially because I love kids so much and I'm constantly thinking about my own future children, but it just does. Either way, I'm making the conscious decision to embrace every ounce of this "aging" thing, while fondly cherishing my time of "growth" as much as my memory allows.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I was thinking yesterday: "What if the sun stopped shining?" What if humanity found a way to survive, but many of the earth's creatures and plants died and the face of the planet literally and completely changed. For me and I imagine for everyone else, it would be the single most frightening thing that's ever happened.

It may sound ridiculous or maybe juvenile, but I love nature and its all-powerful battery, the sun with all my heart


Thursday, March 4, 2010

From My Backpack

It crept inside me.
The want for something.
Then I saw, the presence of nothing.
Lust for passion arrived in my soul,
The evidence of "not having" now two years old.
It is here now, this presence which I cannot shake
It is here, his essence whose mystery is my quake.